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Bangabandhu murder sparked international denunciation

The international community is found to have sharply denounced the August 15, 1975 carnage as the nation reviews the aftermath of the August 15, 1975 putsch coinciding with his 40th martyrdom day. Global leaders like Willy Brandt were severely moved by the murder of Bangladesh founder along with most of his family members by some people […]

Kissinger’s visit to Bangladesh was ominous

Before the brutal murder of Bangabandhu on August 15, 1975 the visit of the US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, was quite significant. On October 30, 1974 Kissinger made a 19-hour stopover in Bangladesh. During the visit he met Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib for a couple of hours at the “Gonobhavan.” According to US journalist Lawrence […]

Bangladesh marching forward recalling Bangabandhu

Bangladesh has already achieved the status of lower middle income on its way to become a middle income country by 2021 and developed nation by 2041 recalling Bangabandhu’s dream. The deep-rooted conspiracy of anti-liberation elements to reverse independence and spirit of the War of Liberation through assassination of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur […]

“Sheikh Mujib stands higher than George Washington, Mahatma Gandhi”

“In a sense, Sheikh Mujib (Father of the Bengali nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman) is a great leader than George Washington, Mahatma Gandhi and De Valera,” leader of the British humanist movement late Lord Fenner Brockway once remarked. There are many other great personalities, who have also made the similar remarks about Bangladesh’s founding father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. One of them […]

US to help repatriation of Bangabandhu murder convict

United States Secretary of State John F Kerry pledged Bangladesh to help in repatriation of the most-wanted fugitive Rashed Chowdhury, one of the convicted killers of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who is living in the USA illegally. The information came from the report on Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali’s visit to the US in […]

Road to independence: Bangabandhu refused to escape arrest

Although it was not for the first time that he refused to save his own life in the harm’s way, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman once again had chosen to face the danger himself as Pakistani armies were looking to arrest him in the wee hours of 26 March 1971. According to an article published in […]

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