Entries by RonZ

Bangabandhu and the world

In the last three and a half decades that have elapsed since the days of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the world has undergone significant changes. These changes relate not only to the great advances in science and technology, but also to the socio-economic and political structure of the world society. A discussion of Mujib’s foreign […]

Reflections on a tragic hero

Bangabandhu The HERO of Bangladesh The history of our independence closely resembles literature. It is replete with the grandeur of epics, the story telling of novels, the incredulity of fairy tales, the suspense of short stories, the conflict of drama and the spontaneity of poetry. Really, there is no accounting for the fact that he, […]

He is our claim on history

On a cold November night in Delhi a little over a decade ago, the respected Indian journalist Nikhil Chakravartty mused on the human qualities in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He and Mujib, Chakravartty told me, had known each other in Calcutta in the dying days of a united India. After August 1947, though, the two […]

Lifschultz tells HC & submits written statement on Taher killing

Bangabandhu Killing, Zia passively involved Gen Ziaur Rahman was passively involved in the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, US journalist and writer Lawrence Lifschultz yesterday told the High Court. This has become clear from the conversations with Col Farooq Rahman and Col Abdur Rashid, convicted killers of Bangabandhu, and from the book Bangladesh: A […]

Bangabandhu’s Last Speech

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib stands on the dais for the last time and this was his last public speech before his death in august 1975. Source : Priyochannel on YOUTUBE        [youtube]k09jKp-5leU[/youtube]